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Submissions Guidelines

Contributions have to be submitted through this online system. Non-compliance with the templates including excessive length will lead to rejection. Any submission requires to have at least one author registered to the conference once accepted. Multiple submissions require one distinct registration per each accepted submission. Disrespect for this usual rule will lead to acceptance cancellation.

Authors are invited to submit:
  • Full papers: 6 pages,
  • Work-in-progress or Short Papers: 4-5
All submissions will be subject to a peer-review process by independent reviewers.
Accepted and presented full papers, short papers, and work-in-progress papers are intended to be published in IEEE Xplore, therefore they have to be written in English.

The program will be available online on this website.


All submissions must be formatted according to provided templates (WordLatex, or through Overleaf)

Conference themes & topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Online courses
    • Remote teaching of hands-on activities
    • Best practices on the assessment and evaluation in online courses
    • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
  • Non-traditional teaching in Engineering Education / STEM Education Initiatives
    • Digital Game Based-Learning
    • Project-based learning
    • Methodologies to teach soft skills in STEM careers
  • Role of Education regarding new paradigms and technologies: Industry 4.0, IoT, IoE, 5G, 6G.


All submissions must be either in English to comply with the IEEExplorer website. Submissions in any other language will be rejected without review. Values should be reported in the International System of Units. Authors are responsible for appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation in their submissions. Non-native English speakers are advised to consider employing the services of a professional editor or request review and editing from colleagues.


Registration for the conference is done via a separate platform with VDE.

We look forward to meeting you at the conference.

Registration Fees

  • IEEE Members (Online participation): 150 Euros
  • Non-IEEE Members (Online participation): 200 Euros​​​​​​
  • IEEE Members (On-site participation): 250 Euros
  • Non-IEEE Members (On-site participation): 300 Euros

Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

Technical Sponsor​​​​​


If you have any questions about your submission please our Scientific Program Committee at