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Organizing Committee

General Co-Chair

Jorge Tomes Gomez
Head of Educational Activities IEEE Germany Section
TU Berlin
Berlin, Germany

General Co-Chair

Jan Haase, Berlin
Chair of IEEE Germany Section

TPC Chair

Nicolai Spicher
Head of University Relations IEEE Germany Section
University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany

Workshop Chair

Andreas Apostolatos
The MathWorks Natick
Massachusetts, USA


Shaun Kaplan
Berlin, Germany

Organization Chair

Claudia-Melania Chituc
Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Alexandra Strasser
ProLehre | Media & Didactics
Technical University of Munich,
Munich, Germany

Awards Chair

Marcus Soll
Nordakademie University of Applied Sciences
Elmshorn, Germany

Conference Secretary

Do you have any conference-related questions or would you like to send us a message?
Phone: +4937153139026


Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

Technical Sponsor​​​​​​
